Does the Water You Drink Contain Harmful Substances?
Does the Water You Drink Contain Harmful Substances?
Is this poisonous concoction you're consuming? Researchers have found pharmaceutical drugs and toxins in the water supply.
The purpose of water treatment plants is to purge the water supply of contaminants such heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides. However, they are ill-equipped to handle pharmaceuticals and cannot handle the volume of drugs that are ingested. As you may be aware, the kidneys and urine eliminate as much as 90% of ingested drugs, so whatever makes it through our bodies ultimately makes its way back to the water treatment plant and ends up in our drinking water.
Among the many contaminants and poisons found in public water supplies are pharmaceuticals; in certain cases, these waters may even contain the long-lasting pesticide DDT. It seems like the list of contaminants in water supplies is constantly expanding, and there are medications that could have a negative interaction with those you are taking.
The presence of prescription medicines in Berlin's water supply was first discovered in 1997 by German scientists and published in the Journal Chemosphere.
Several scientists have come to the conclusion that the amount of antibiotics in our water supply is now one thousand times greater than it was in 1997. This is significant enough to have triggered the mutation of e-coli bacteria into strains that are resistant to the typical antibiotics; this has happened in other countries as well.
Although e. coli was initially discovered in water treatment plants, the cover of Time magazine depicted the bacteria flowing from a kitchen faucet. Since then, it has also been detected in swimming pools.
If E. coli were to evolve into an antibiotic-resistant strain, it would pose a significant risk to public health. Over time, our immune systems can overcome any major medical issue caused by the prolonged use or overuse of antibiotics. Your chances of survival will be much improved if your immune system is in top shape. Given the abundance of pollutants, poisons, and other potential dangers to human health in today's environment, it is prudent to supplement a balanced diet with nutrients known to strengthen the immune system.
There is much evidence of water contamination; for example, a scientist found that male fish in Lake Mead—which serves parts of southern Nevada and northern Mexico—were producing female egg protein due to the high estrogen levels in the water.
The wide class of antibiotics found in water supplies is harmful to human DNA, according to another researcher. More and more instances of bacteria that are resistant to therapy are being documented, according to the findings. And why is that? Bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics if they come into contact with just the right amount of these drugs, which can irritate them without killing them.
Just a friendly reminder that water is essential for both your survival and your overall health. Not getting enough water can lead to a host of health problems, including headaches, exhaustion, weakness, and more. It stands to reason that your body's water requirement will increase in direct proportion to the amount of effort you put into it and the amount of fat you carry around.
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