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Remedies for Asthma

 Remedies for Asthma

What makes God different from a doctor? God does not believe himself to be a physician. How can one distinguish between a doctor and a banana? It's not a doctor if the banana doesn't decay within 14 days. Your doctor says that asthma is incurable, or that it is a "chronic (permanent) inflammatory condition of the lungs," as he discovered after eight years of university, when he was envious of all the women who were chasing the quarterback, whom your doctor called a "hairy Neanderthal" in a secret diary out of jealousy and inebriation. For so long, the huge pharmaceutical corporations, medical schools, and business executives have perpetuated this fatal illusion that even they have come to believe in.

Twenty million people in America have asthma. Does this imply that our creator is to fault for our asthma? Was God incapable of creating a working lung? Are we only models in the immense laboratory that is God? Without inhalers, it's possible that all asthmatics would go extinct, clearing the human gene pool of this genetic flaw and allowing future generations to evolve into a species with fully functional bronchial tubes. Maybe you should give up smoking and simply choke to death, giving your life to save the lives of future generations. If you neglected to drop your $5 in the collection plate last Sunday, this may get you into paradise. Did Jesus suffer from asthma? Has Jesus ever cured someone with asthma? Did Jesus realize that there was no cure for asthma? Was Jesus a medical student? Was Jesus a football player? Did Mary Magdalene support the Jerusalem University Keepahs as a cheerleader?

There are a number of reasons why environmental organizations are failing. Among these is the fact that the terms "environmental" and "mental" are combined. The word "mental" remains because no one is aware of what the word "enviro" signifies. Simply put, people assume that these folks are insane. The father of George Bush called them "the spotted owl crowd." George, his son, declared that there is no proof of global warming. The leaders of his day were described by Jesus as blind guides and snakes that were guiding us all toward the fire. The world's largest polluter per capita is the United States, which likes to think of itself as the model for the rest of the world and considers itself the black sheep of the family. The lack of understanding among the public on the definition of pollution is the reason why environmental organizations are failing. Because some Bible writers, scribes, and people Jesus referred to as snakes spewing their deadly poisonous lies into your Bibles (Matthew 23) wrote this nonsense in your Bible 2,000 years ago in addition to the three times that "The Earth does not move and it never will," the world is like a giant Jonestown full of people believing that poison cannot kill them. If God is the author of your Bible, he is not only incapable of creating a working lung, but also a pretty bad astronomer. Despite the 2,000 pages of God's Word in your Bible, there is no asthma remedy? The United States would soon have nothing left except the peaks of Vail, which will be prime beachfront property, if the George Bushes had perhaps paid a little less attention to their Holy Bibles and visited the Greenpeace website a few times. Instead, Greenland, Antarctica, and the Arctic are melting into the world's largest ocean.

The Bible says that God wants the foreskin to be cut off, not the foresight. In the case of asthma, where there is currently no treatment, prevention is always preferable than treatment. Because of pollution and airborne particles of poison, such as fatal airborne cyanide, hemlock, and snake venom, breathing in the air can cause asthma attacks and lung inflammation. Give your poison a name that no one understands, such as "carcinogen," which is a chemical that causes cancer and emerges from your car's exhaust pipe like a bullet that hits its target, explodes in your lungs ten years later, and then slowly eats you alive in a torturous prolonged death, if you want to get away with poisoning children's lungs with deadly poison chemicals so that they cannot breathe. It was revealed yesterday that over 100,000 Chinese people lost their lives to indoor air pollution in their skyscrapers last year as a result of chemicals gassing off from their carpets, furniture, and inadequate ventilation. Beijing, the site of the upcoming Olympics, has such bad smog that more car accidents are caused by low visibility than by mass transit. Even if the office buildings in Beijing had windows, who would want to open one? The 2008 Olympic 100-yard sprint was reduced to 10 yards due to the high levels of poison gas in the Beijing air. Why is finding a treatment for Aids in Africa such a significant deal? There would be no STDs if everyone stayed chaste and only engaged in sexual activity with their spouse. Is the African population being purposefully kept in the dark about this? The laws of nature are unbreakable, but breaking them will break your back.

Fungi, or mold, are microscopic, flying animals that are only visible under a microscope. Certain types of mold can be found in nature, and we constantly breathe in minute amounts of them that are safe for our bodies. However, when inhaled in greater quantities or by individuals whose immune systems have been compromised by the poison we breathe in on a daily basis, these molds can cause allergic reactions, also known as tightening of the airways, which can result in chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis, and chronic emphysema, all of which can be fatal. The Book of Leviticus' chapter 14 concludes with a recommendation that, in certain circumstances, you should rebuild your home after the mold has penetrated its wooden walls and stones.

Allopathic physicians will address the signs and symptoms of your asthma rather than the underlying reasons. Your mold allergies will be diagnosed by allergists, who will then inject you with mold to treat you for five agonizing and ineffective years. Specialists in respiratory care will prescribe you cortisone inhalers, which aggravate the condition and enrich medical professionals and pharmaceutical firms. These inhalers create thrush, candida, yeast, mold, and fungus in your throat, which your bloodstream then spreads to all organs in your body, including your lungs. Jesus demanded that everyone sell whatever they own and donate all of their proceeds to the needy. Do any doctors practice Christianity? Do any people here practice Christianity?

The good news is right here. See your naturopathic physician, or physician of naturopathy. Make the most of the resources provided by naturopathic and conventional physicians. Since naturopathic physicians use herbal therapies that have been used and proven effective since prehistoric times and are advised by the Bible, they are more appropriately referred to as conventional physicians than naturopathic physicians. There is a herbal medicine that can treat asthma, which is frequently brought on by breathing in mold particles in the air. Oregano oil has been clinically demonstrated to eradicate viruses that "nothing" can kill, molds, yeast, fungus, and bacterial infections that penicillin cannot treat. Many pharmaceuticals are made-up versions of herbal cures, which are plants that God put on the planet to save lives. Taken as capsules, oil of oregano, sage, and cumin can eradicate the mold and eliminate the underlying cause of asthma, which is microscopic organisms that eat their way through your lungs like they do through wood and stone no matter how well you clean the outside. Your bloodstream will carry the Oregacyn capsules (oil derived from oregano, sage, and cumin; search for “oregacyn”) to all areas of your body, including your lungs, where they will eradicate mold and treat asthma. Additionally beneficial are NutriBiotic grapefruit seed extract tablets, which also kill the fungus, and nondairy acidophilus, the good bacteria in our systems that fights off mold. Many years ago, the government threatened to outlaw herbal treatments because they were dangerous, and doctors accused naturopaths of practicing voodoo medicine. (To find out which ones are dangerous, see your doctor, naturopath, and health food stores.) Many drugstores nowadays resemble health food stores more than traditional drugstores. In the struggle for authority, financial gain, and power in both medicine and religion, the patient is invariably the one who loses out. The 200 nations that make up the planet might establish world peace at the UN in a single night if they so choose. Sadly, it is forbidden by your holy bibles and religious authorities. Furthermore, until a nuclear World War III wipes out all life on Earth permanently in the near future—which will also permanently eradicate asthma—the politicians controlled by the weapons industry will never permit World Peace. Consider that as radiological theology saving the day.

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